Al parecer, la "tregua" entre los hermanos Gallagher terminó, algo que también trajo una importante revelación por parte del menor de ellos.
Liam Gallagher confesó a través de Twitter que planeó realizar una reunión de Oasis, pero dejando completamente fuera a Noel.
"Si el viejo equipo de la primera alineación de Oasis se quisiera reunir solo contigo, ¿lo harías?" fue lo que le preguntó el usuario Rich Nowik, a lo que Liam respondió: "Les pregunté y ellos no quisieron".
I did ask them and they weren't up for it
— Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) January 7, 2018
Eso sí, estas palabras llegaron a Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs, guitarrista y miembro fundador de la banda inglesa, quien dejo ver su interés en esta idea con un simple "ahem".
— Paul Arthurs. (@BoneheadsPage) January 7, 2018
De todas formas, esto no fue lo único que escribió el inglés, quien aprovechó de enviar duros mensajes a Noel.
Dig me out all day long rkid but Richard Ashcroft pisses all over you and the 2 Ronnie's every day of the wk as you were LG x
— Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) January 7, 2018
When was the last time you and your purists had a HIT you and and the purple rinse brigade PARK THE BUS boring boring boring boring boring
— Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) January 7, 2018
And as for it being undignified to play stadiums at 50 its a lot more undignified to be supporting the undignified in stadiums RHCP U2 blah
— Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) January 7, 2018
I'm giving the people what they want while him and his old farts are sitting at home dribbling
— Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) January 7, 2018
The day the smiths split up he parked the bus the day he broke up the Jam he parked the bus the day he broke up oasis he parked the bus LG x
— Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) January 7, 2018
No wonder there all bum chums too much the guilty bus
— Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) January 7, 2018
Bottom line is rkids devastatedI don't need him anymore FREE AS A BIRD as you were LG x
— Liam Gallagher (@liamgallagher) January 7, 2018